David Fincher's Dedication to Original Storytelling and Filmmaking

News - 26 October 2023

David Fincher began his career as a director with the controversial film Alien 3, but since then, he has not ventured into making sequels. Throughout his career, he has focused on creating original productions or adapting books into films. However, he has been associated with major sequels in various capacities.

One such example is Mission: Impossible 3, which was ultimately directed by J.J. Abrams.

Another instance where Fincher's name was linked to a sequel was Brad Pitt's film World War Z. In 2017, Fincher expressed interest in directing the sequel after J.A.

Bayona backed out. Unfortunately, the project never came to fruition due to budgetary issues. Instead, Fincher decided to work on the critically acclaimed film Mank.

During the promotion of his latest film The Killer, Fincher mentioned to GQ UK that he was relieved that the World War Z sequel did not materialize. He explained that the popular series The Last of Us delved deeper into the themes he wanted to explore in the sequel. Fincher stated, "I'm glad that we didn't do what we were doing, because 'The Last of Us' has a lot more real estate to explore the same stuff.

"In a tweet by DiscussingFilm, Fincher was quoted as saying, "It was a bit like The Last of Us. And I'm glad we didn't make the movie, because The Last of Us had a lot more room to explore the same themes. In our title sequence we used a little parasite, which is also in the title sequence from The Last of Us and in that great opening scene with the talk show.

"Fincher's latest film, The Killer, will have a limited theatrical release starting this week and will be available for streaming on Netflix from November 10th. This film marks Fincher's continued commitment to creating original content and exploring unique themes in his work.Despite his involvement in potential sequels, David Fincher remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of storytelling and filmmaking.

He continues to be recognized for his distinctive style and ability to captivate audiences with his captivating narratives. As he embarks on new projects and collaborations, audiences can expect nothing less than exceptional storytelling and creativity from the visionary director.